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Why Sponsor? Being a sponsor allows you direct access to over 150 dance/drill coaches in Washington State. Sponsors assist our coaches' association by supporting our annual conference and awards dinner in October, and student scholarships awarded in March.  Contact us for more information! 


  1. Pick your sponsorship level

  2. Email us indicating the sponsorship items you want which add up to the amount of your sponsorship level. If your items don’t add up to the sponsorship amount you selected, the remainder will be a donation to WSDDCA.

  3. Pay for the level you selected by October 1

  4. All sponsors will have their logo added to the Current Sponsors page of our website, linked to your website at no charge.



  • Platinum $500

  • Gold $300

  • Silver $200

  • Bronze $100



  • Logo on Conference Notebook - free with sponsorship

  • Vendor Table at the Conference $200

  • 1 minute video to be played at Conference $100

  • 1 page insert in Conference Notebook $50

  • WSDDCA Coaches Private Facebook Group post $50/each

  • Email to our private distribution list $50/each

  • Logo on our email template $50


At our conference, coaches will complete a scavenger hunt that requires them to meet with vendors and answer a question related to any materials you provide for distribution. Coaches who complete the scavenger hunt will be entered in a drawing for giveaways provided by sponsors.
If you would like to donate items, please contact us for a mailing address.  

This site is paid for by WSDDCA members

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