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Washington Interscholastic Activities Association (WIAA)

Look under Activities/Dance/Drill, to find important information about dance/drill.  Request a log in from your Athletic Director for MyWIAA to access the “Bound for State Regs” which are especially helpful as they contain many of the rules governing competition.  Coaching Standards are explained as well.


Washington Dance Drill Judges Assocation (WSDDJA)

Find valuable information about judging on this site including how to become a judge.  This is also where you can provide feedback to judges.


Coaches are encouraged to provide constructive, appropriate feedback (both positive and negative) to judges about their score sheets and audi.  The purpose of feedback is to help judges improve their skills.  The feedback should be the same type of constructive criticism you would give to one of your students.  


Washington State Coaches Association (WSCA)

The WSCA is a non-profit organization created to promote the understanding of the athlete as he/she relates to the coaches, athletics and schools. They endeavor to meet the needs of all WIAA sports by aiding in the Individual Sport Associations (ISA) such as the WSDDCA. In addition, they have secured a representative membership of coaches in the hope of developing better communication among schools, coaches, and athletes. The organization also strives to promote good fellowship and social contacts among coaches.  WSCA membership comes with liability insurance. Look under Registration to see all membership benefits.


National Federation of State High School Assocations (NFHS)

Get rules updates and order Spirit Rules book here.  These are the rules that govern dance/drill in our state.  Note:  Spirit rules books are sent to athletic directors in late summer to be distributed to dance/drill and cheer coaches.  Check with your building athletic director before you order one.


National Dance Coaches Assocation (NCDA)

The NCDA is looking to establish a non-biased and non-company related organization whose primary interest is to provide a forum for coaches to learn, share, and connect.

Learn more at

This site is paid for by WSDDCA members

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